
Samadhi cannot be conveyed to the level of mind.

It is more an inner journey – discovering your true nature by inner reflection.

Maya – the illusion of the self (we have forgotten our true selves)

As we move through our daily lives we have stopped remembering or honouring the soul.

We have limited ourselves to our bodies not to the limitless self structure that we are born with is just a casing for this life.We are part of the ego construct.

Thinking we have found our answers in external forms is not right.


Less human being more human doing.

Power love greed more more more of everything.


Those going inward will make you want to acquire peace.

Desire to attain is the ego construct at work

Samadhi is to realise to learn to die before you die

Life and death like ying and yang


No beginning no end

When we push away death you push away life

We are told who we are by society and culture

The ego construct is lazy and will ask that you repeat yourself in ego activities.

Spirals within spirals when your consciousness discovers the social conditioning you get tied to this matrix.

The archaic primal fears that are really driving the whole machine

Wake up

Endless looking for pleasure and avoidance of pain

From work to relationships beliefs and very thoughts

Like cattle we live and die in passive subjugation

e live lives locked in narrow patterns

We can become free though we just have to realise this

Let go of the life inherited from the past

Live the one that is waiting to come forth

This is living

The person you grow into is merely a mask

Been conscious makes you remove your mask

You are not the masks you are wearing

When you are awake

We are still in Plato’s cave of illusions


Facing a blank wall

You are not the shadows or puppets from without

Leave what is familiar and you will open your knowledge

Don’t look at the shadows they are empty

Find your self truth

This is Samadhi


Face the light and open the shadows

You are your own prison

Wake up and be aware of the prison

You are not the prison of “me”

Awakening is removing identification of self













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