Cannabis & Endocannabinoids


Before we can know what cannabis can do for the body we first need to learn a couple of facts so that you can understand why this is a valuable healing plant for all cancer types.

The endocannabinoid system is a biological system that has endocannabinoids which are basically neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid receptors which are found throughout the nervous system.

Using cannabis can help to regulate:

  • physiological and cognitive processes including:
    • fertility
    • pregnancy
    • pre and post natal development
    • appetite
    • pain
    • memory
    • mood

The Endocannabinoid System is involved in:

  • Induced euphoria
  • locomotive activity
  • motivational salience for rewards

Certain types of endocannabinoid receptors were found in the brain and nervous system (study in 1993)

This included mimetic phytocannabinoid, THC.

Arachidonoylglycerol (CBD) are responsible for the regulation of appetite, immune system functions and pain management.

SO with this understanding (I will at a later stage add more reading links to give the scholars among us detailed information), let’s start with Cannabis and where it fits into Cancer Treatments.

For those that don’t know the history of cannabis as medicine I encourage you to do more reading and open your minds beyond the marketing bullshit of 1950.

Cannabis has about 461 chemical compounds of which most of these match receptors inside our bodies (we have over 61 cannabinoid receptors for CBD alone).

THC – Tetrahydrochloride have the following functions:

  • Anti-tumour effect
  • Suppresses metastatic movement
  • Anti-proliferation
  • Apopositis
  • Angiogenic
  • Stops blood supply to tumours

CBD – Cannabinoids have the following functions:

  • Anti-oxident
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Nerve protection
  • Anti-anxiety

THCV – Tetrahydrocannabivarin  has the following functions:

  • Found mainly in South African strains
  • High concentrations of THC short acting
  • Good for Insulin regulation

CBC – Cannabichromene has the following functions:

  • Anti-depression
  • Anti cancer
  • Analgesic
  • Anti-proliferation

Combined this plant has the ability to be:

  • POWERFUL tumour regulators
  • Inflammatory management
  • Cause cancer cell death
  • Stop metastatic movement of cancer

As more research and information is gotten by me these posts will be updated.

The problem with Cannabis has been classing the plant as a Schedule 1 Drug, slowly as laws change and Big Pharma grabs onto “personalisation of medication to include cannabis” we will see more available “go-to treatment” I hope in the future.

In the meanwhile I have been using oils from Cannabis Medical SA as well as concentrated THC locally sourced (and blessed with).

CBD/ THC oils


5-10 drops CBD 5x’s per day

5 drops THC 3x’s per day

1 rice grain THC concentrate at night an hour before sleep.


I purchase through: and love their products and services, Ralph Higgo is just awesome.






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